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unités thématiques

Les unités thématiques en éducation intègrent plusieurs matières autour d'un thème central, favorisant l'engagement, la pensée critique et une compréhension plus approfondie. En explorant les sujets de manière exhaustive et en établissant des liens interdisciplinaires, les élèves acquièrent une perspective plus large. Les unités thématiques favorisent la collaboration, la créativité et l'apprentissage contextuel, permettant aux élèves d'appliquer leurs connaissances de manière significative.

apprentissage par projet

L'apprentissage par projet (APP) est une approche pédagogique qui plonge les élèves dans des projets authentiques et pratiques pour développer leurs connaissances, leurs compétences et leurs aptitudes. Grâce à l'APP, les élèves s'engagent activement dans la résolution de problèmes concrets, la recherche, la collaboration et la pensée critique, en travaillant sur des projets qui ont une pertinence et une application au-delà de la salle de classe. Cette approche centrée sur l'élève favorise la créativité, l'indépendance et le développement de compétences essentielles tout en cultivant une compréhension plus approfondie des concepts grâce à l'exploration active et à l'application pratique.


La certification AdvancED STEM fournit un cadre et des critères éprouvés et fondés sur la recherche à partir desquels évaluer et valider la qualité, la rigueur et le contenu des programmes éducatifs STEM. La certification AdvancED STEM est une marque de distinction et d'excellence STEM pour les institutions qui obtiennent la certification.


Le prix Five Star School Award a été créé par le Conseil d'engagement communautaire du Commissaire et est décerné chaque année aux écoles qui ont fait preuve d'un engagement communautaire exemplaire. Pour obtenir la reconnaissance Five Star School, une école doit fournir des documents prouvant qu'elle a atteint 100 % des critères établis dans les catégories suivantes. Les écoles doivent également obtenir une note de « C » ou plus, ou une note d'amélioration de l'école de « maintien ou d'amélioration » pour l'année de nomination.

  • Partenariats d'affaires

  • Implication de la famille

  • Bénévolat

  • Service communautaire étudiant

  • Conseils consultatifs scolaires

La certification AdvancED STEM fournit un cadre et des critères éprouvés et fondés sur la recherche à partir desquels évaluer et valider la qualité, la rigueur et le contenu des programmes éducatifs STEM. La certification AdvancED STEM est une marque de distinction et d'excellence STEM pour les institutions qui obtiennent la certification.



The history of Burns Sci Tech Charter School in Oak Hill, Florida, begins with a community facing numerous challenges.  Oak Hill experienced a decline in both the local citrus and commercial fishing industries, while federal cuts to the space program and county budget reductions resulted in job losses, the elimination of parks and recreation services, and the closure of Oak Hill's local school.


In response to the impending school closure, the Oak Hill City Commission and a task force comprised of local citizens rallied together to establish a charter school, acquire the school property, and move forward. However, their initial efforts encountered obstacles as the terms for purchase were deemed unattainable. It seemed as though hope was fading, and the school building was destined for demolition.


Local architect Sid Corhern believed that the school building should be preserved and sought a solution. He reached out for help and a friend from New Jersey named Tom Gibbs offered his assistance.  With Gibbs' help, the Oak Hill Community Trust, Inc., a local non-profit organization borrowed the funds necessary to purchase the school buildings and surrounding acreage. The purchase was finalized on October 30, 2009, and sparked a renewed sense of hope among the community.  Volunteers and community members breathed new life into the school building, which had been stripped and prepared for demolition. They worked tirelessly on the utilities, kitchen, flooring, painting, landscaping, and grounds.


Fundraisers organized to assist with mortgage payments and procure materials necessary for facility repairs while volunteers contributed their time and skills to support the school's revival.

The first significant donation came from the Kaplan Foundation, directed by Nick and Jeanne Dowis, who generously contributed $10,000. This funding facilitated the acquisition of temporary power, the purchase of dehumidifiers, the hiring of an architect for needs assessment, and consultancy during the initial stages of progress. The community continued its fundraising efforts through various events such as chicken dinners, Italian-to-go dinners, thrift shops, auctions, memory brick sales, pancake breakfasts, golf tournaments, and 5k river runs. The search for partnerships and grant opportunities persisted, with volunteers actively involved in fundraising.


In the spring of 2010, the Oak Hill Community Trust Education Committee prepared and submitted a charter school application to the Volusia County School Board. Following thorough evaluation, the Charter Evaluation Committee recommended approval of the application for Burns Science and Technology Charter School, K-8, on September 23, 2010. On September 27, 2010, Deputy Superintendent for Instructional Services Dr. Chris Colwell recommended approval to Superintendent Margaret Smith and the School Board, resulting in a unanimous vote in favor of the charter school.


To establish the school foundation, the Oak Hill Community Trust formed a non-profit school foundation, with Dr. Consuegra, Dr. Jan McGee, and Gary Bittle serving as the Founding Board.  Additional board members were invited based on community recommendations. 


Countless volunteers dedicated thousands of hours to move the school campus process forward, ensuring that the school could open its doors on time. On August 22, 2011, Burns Sci Tech Charter School welcomed its first cohort of 260 enrolled students.  The school secured a state grant of $375,000 for furniture, books, technology, and staff development. It established a partnership with Canaveral Seashore Park at Seminole Rest, hosting programs and field trips for students. Burns Sci Tech also established an adjunct classroom in the caretaker's cottage on the National Park site, fostering a valuable relationship with the park and earning recognition as the school's "Partner of the Year."


Since its inception, Burns Sci Tech Charter School has continued to serve the community of Oak Hill, providing education and opportunities for its students while embodying the spirit of resilience and determination that brought the school into existence. We are a tuition-free, nonprofit K-12 public charter school with a concentration in EiSTEAM and project-based learning. Students are accepted regardless of race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin, religious preference, homelessness, disability, handicap, or a language other than English.  We are now proud to serve nearly 1,000 students from Kindergarten through 12th grade.  

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